Vereinbare noch heute einen Termin
Emergency aid
Monday to Sunday 9.00 am - midnight
National holidays 9.00 am - midnight
DE 09008 - 808 808 (€1.89/min.*) CH 0901 - 11 80 11 (SFR2.50/min.*) * From a landline, mobile telephone tariffs may differ
Appointment service
Payment method

Ich freue mich auf dich.
Deine Jutta Mariana Hinz

Grant your wishes,
I accompany you with lightwork

1 Slider | Health practice Jutta Mariana Hinz
941 Februar | Health practice Jutta Mariana Hinz
941 Februar Nr 2 | Health practice Jutta Mariana Hinz
4 Slider 941 | Health practice Jutta Mariana Hinz
mandala deko groß | Health practice Jutta Mariana Hinz


Book your preferred consultation time in advance


Once you have made your payment via PayPal, you can call me straight away and make use of the consultation, provided I am free for you at the time. For specific appointment times on advance arrangement, please use the contact form and let me know in writing


Buddha | Health practice Jutta Mariana Hinz

The price includes: consultation and 19% VAT

Gutshein PNG | Health practice Jutta Mariana Hinz

The price includes: consultation and 19% VAT


Buddha | Health practice Jutta Mariana Hinz

The price includes: consultation and 19% VAT


Gutshein PNG | Health practice Jutta Mariana Hinz
Gutschein - ab 50 Euro Hier

Hier Gutschein ab 50 Euro.